I am so angry right now I could spit. Since Penecostal missionaries have brought their faith to West Africa they have done in inordinate amount of damage that anyone who calls themselves a Christian must decry.
Penecostal beliefs in Satan and possessions have blended with traditional African beliefs of witchcraft and sorcery to create a violent and volatile mix where children are tortured and accused of being witches and killed or ostrasized.
Deteriorating environmental conditions as a result of the oil industry in the Akwa Ibom state in southeastern Nigeria have caused residents of this impoverished area to cast blame on innocent children for unexplained deaths, poor fishing returns, lack of money, and simply unrealized dreams. Children are held by churches, beaten, starved, and often murdered because they are believed to be the root of all of the problems.
There are two groups working on this issue, CRARN (Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network) and Stepping Stones Nigeria. If you consider yourself a Christian, instead of giving money for more missionaries to go overseas or to build a church that no one needs, why don't you contribute some money to undo some of the damage that other Christians have wreaked upon this world. Now that I would like to see.

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