Thursday, October 18, 2007

August 13, 2007

So typical day at the saltmines. Got up, didn't bathe, found a 1940's turban of Mama's the kids were playing with in the dirt, crafted a fabulous outfit to match (Chanel red lipstick included) went to school (interspersed with general greeting and village excitement about my fabulous attire with the turban) learned stuff, missed 2nd class with an incredibly gratifying phone call from Mom & Dad, left school to be greeted by a full speed ahead run from the boys from my neighborhood screaming my name (I live 15mins from the school, they've never gone there and waited for me before), hung out with my boy posse for the rest of the walk home, stopped in a coutourjer (seamstress) shop to say hi and they started asking advice on the business, had a meeting with them on how to calculate REVENUE-EXPENSES=PROFIT, hard to teach an illiterate audience, but it worked. Came home finally, Mama freaked out because I wore her filthy hat with a Versace stomp (they call it "Miss Togo" as in "Louise, Louise nous voulous "Miss Togo") sat down to eat after some general revelry with the 20 kids that followed me home only to hear wailing from the 9 year old cousin who lves here half the time. "What's wrong" I ask. "She drank sodabi" was the reply. At which point I FREAK OUT. Sodabi is moonshine that could double as industrial cleaner/biodiesel fuel of the future. "Who in the hell gave her sodabi? Do you know how bad that is for children???" Everyone in the courtyard is cracking up. She found the sodabi and drank it on her own and now she is butt wasted. Honestly at this stage, around and still wailing because she got yelled at for drinking in the first place. I told her to try to make herself barf and lay down. Stay tuned for the next episode. Did I mention that I freaking love it here? I was made for this stuff.

Some day later-

So after, like, intense impatience for this artificial school-world known as "Stage" to be over, my girlfriends and I aside- we are the only girls/people out of 20 of us to
a. drink beer
b. talk about sex
c. be fun

Tonight we tried to name ourselves-since we are four, we decided on "(No) Sex in Togo" Apparently, I am a mixture of 1/2 Charlotte, 1/2 Samantha- totally accurate though I would have appreciated some Carrie fashion sense and some Miranda "know-it-all, get shit done" kind of tude, but hey, I can't be all 4 characters now can I? Carolyn is awesome and sort of from DC(Love OLD BAY) doesn't shave, is totally loud, and fun, and brash, and a professional cheerleader- hello- see a fit?? Kate is from Oregon, hippy ass lit professor mom, Middlebury College, urban planning degree from UT and dry as hell and honest and wonderful. We three are bitches. And then there is Megan- sweet sweet Megan- bad ass vintage trash digging awesome eye for color clothes wearing former high-end bedding designer from Chicago. Yes Gibran- we will all party together in Chi-town. Those are my girls. My friends, my sanity. God how I love you. P.S. If I do say so, and you know I will, we are all pretty. We are like the "Mean Girls" of Peace Corps. Dude, that's like a novel title right there. Love it. Or Heathers for those of you of my generation.

Later same night- to all future generations of Peace Corps Volunteers, NEVER, EVER underestimate the power of the hokey pokey. Seriously, If you are ever in a tight situation, teach a crowd of people that and you are golden for life.

Personal shout out continued.

6. Tasha- Thank you so much for your card and letter. I am so happy things are going well in your new job. It is true, everything happens for a reason. I am also happy to hear the car is doing well. I loved that car so much so I am pleased to know it is in good hands. I hope Brooke & Patrick are happy and healthy as well.

7. MDP Peeps- a. Debbie , my mom told me you are putting my letters on my blog THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I want to hear all of the goings on's at MDP. Fill me in!!! I miss the people and am curious to know how my accounts are doing but I am so far removed, it seems like light years ago. Even good old Baltimore political gossip would be great. Is Sheila Dixon still mayor? When is the race? Who is running? Is Keifer in the mix? How is Ed Hale? What is he up to? Do you ever see my dear Julie @ Maryland Art Place? How is Genny? I need Hampden updates!! Any Happy Hours? Pat Dugan? Are you well my dear? Give me office gossip and gripes and stuff. lee still tan and Leigh still Republican?? How are everyone's kids and marriages???

8. Julie Ann, my love. How are you? I miss you. MAP well? Any news there? Gossip? I think about you often and hope you are doing well. I am worried about you. How is Stefan? please tell me what is happening. How is your family? How does it feel to be married?

9. Bond & Lancaster peeps (except for Lipika & Andy) shame on you!! No letters? I need to know what is happening and I need Bill and Alex silly/wise words. Everyone gearing me up for the wedding of Gary & Suzie? Oh shoot- it just happened, well how was it?? Seth & Shannon, Terry's going away, Scott & Courtney, Alan & Jill- I need pictures, and gossip. I watch Jacque & Craig's Fell's Point documentary and cry. I miss you guys and I miss the hood.

10. Gibran- where is your globe trotting ass now? I need your wittiness. What are you thinking about? What is on your mind? How's Life? I need to know.

So totally random letter. Granola bars, conditioner, witch hazel, shelf bra tank tops and cute Forever 21 dresses are always welcome! Oops, beef jerky too- need protein big time! Gossip mags, Baltimore mags too. Much love as always. I am very happy here, but miss you too.

Love always,


Oh and used DVD's are great as well, chick flicks, documentaries, classics, TV shows- whatever. Anthropologie catalogs and cool ones like that! Fashion mags too please.

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