Wednesday, January 28, 2009

To Voodoo or not to Voodoo. . .

So I have been considering going to a feticheur and paying for a voodoo ceremony and a chicken to sacrifice, etc. etc. to give me a better chance to pass the Orals and beyond. I figure you only live in Togo once (OK, maybe not. I feel like I have been reincarnated here like 8 times already) and it will make a good story later on in life. I love learning about voodoo, so I figure I ought to put my money where my mouth is, you know?
The only concern is: once you do a ceremony and make a sacrifice, are you further beholden to the voodoo gods and therefore vulnerable in the future or can you go on your merry way?


mcaslan said...

Can you say skeleton in the closet. If they can find out Shelia Dixon used $25 Homeless Shelter gift cards for her own personal shopping 'spree'...

The world is getting global and one day when you are appointed chief of staff for President XXX the vodoo ceremony will surface.

Senators A, and B will question you about the voodoo gods that are hanging around the capital.

I guess you could consult the African equivalent of an astrologer. Didn't Nancy Reagan use one of them?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can play it off like you didn't really believe in it, something along the lines of the "I didn't inhale" line. "I didn't let my eyes roll back in my head" "I only pretended to be paying attention" (That's my line in case my Gender Studies concentration in college ever resurfaces.)

Jim Lasher said...

I think the two previous commenter probably have a point, but I think you may need to consider the animal abuse and it's impact on your future political prospects. PETA will certainly not approve of your first-person cross-culture religious exploration.