Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Go Togo!

Please read the following article written by the President of Togo and published this week in the Washington Times. Wow! PS - Togo, not necessarily the fondest of their former colonizers. . .

Ending African 'history'

By Faure GnassingbeMarch 16, 2008

French President Nicholas Sarkozy addressed "Africa's Young" in a speech at the University of Cheik Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal, on July 26, 2007. Africans widely and roundly criticized the speech, little noted by the U.S. media, as racist and condescending. Mr. Sarkozy offered up the "accepted" litany of difficulties confronting his "wounded continent" of Africa " wars, genocides, dictators and corruption. He asserted that it was not the slave trade and/or European colonialism that gave rise to these problems, but rather, he opined, "that the African has not fully entered into history," preferring to hold on to some "mythical past" rather than launch "himself towards the future."
It would appear Mr. Sarkozy chooses to end African "history," not like Francis Fukuyama in 1989 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, but rather at African independence. He seems to argue that Africans missed this early universalization of Western liberal democracy and opted to pursue instead a return to a "golden age "of Africa that "never existed." Africans, he implies, chose Hobbes' "First Man" (solitary, poor, nasty, and brutish) over Fukuyama's "Last Man" (free, universal, just, and reasoning).
Mr. Sarkozy is curiously silent on the effects of post-independence African interaction over 50 years with the international system, including the former colonial powers. It is more in that interaction, I would argue, that we discover the genesis of the problems that Africa faces today. We, African leaders, must make an honest appraisal of this recent past, acknowledge its darkness and accept and/or assign responsibility for decisions made and/or avoided. Only then can we shine a harsh, but cleansing light on the continent's current state of affairs, permitting us to undertake necessary corrective action.
We must recognize that African states emerged from the colonial era with nascent political, economic and social institutions, an immediate and direct consequence of the colonial experience. The Cold War sent those institutions into stasis until 1989. The leaders of neither "West" nor "East" concerned themselves with the authoritarianism, corruption, stagnation or abuse that arose across Africa. With the fall of the Berlin Wall, however, Africans were asked to demonstrate immediately democracy, free markets and tolerant, open civil societies. African states were expected to emerge like Athena from the forehead of Zeus, full-grown and clad in armor " an improbable, if not impossible prospect.
Moreover, many of the challenges of the post-Cold War era African leaders are asked to address were not foreseen in the immediate post-colonial period. You need only consider the many and varied consequences of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, climate change and the globalization of trade and finance. Africa's national institutions were not, and are still not, as yet sufficiently broad, deep or flexible enough to deal effectively with this range of varied and complex issues in a systematic and timely manner.
But addressing these concerns is not simply a question of capacity building. While it is true that African leaders can affect change through coherent national institutions that bridge the gap between the state and society, providing necessary services to the people, this assumes the leader has this as an objective. All too often, African leaders, faced with the choice of building an integrated national political process and permitting it to mature or retaining personal control, have chosen control, submerging collective goals for the sake of personal advantage and interest.
Weak institutions are not in a position to constrain such a leader's ambitions and are more susceptible to facile manipulation. Many African leaders have been all too ready to resort to "neo-patrimonialism," using the institutions of the state to deliver personal favors. Rather than imbuing society with idealism and a sense of possibility and responsibility, some African leaders fostered self-serving sycophancy focused on posturing, personalities and egos without regard or concern for the nation. It is all too easy to understand why many African leaders have not seen Cincinnatus as a role model, but rather sought to cling to the perquisites and trappings of power.
Africa's greatest problem is failed leadership, in a moral not technical sense. No matter how many finely crafted International Monetary Fund/International Bank for Reconstruction and Development adjustment programs are put in place or how much development assistance donors pledge or how often "free and fair" elections are held, if this continent's leaders are not prepared to serve the needs of its people, Africa will remain Mr. Sarkozy's "wounded continent," unable to affect an exodus from its plagues.


Anonymous said...

WOW. I am not well versed on african politics, but this sounds like a leader that Africa needs. Hope...

Daniel Soren said...
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Daniel Soren said...


It is apparent that the current affairs of 'government' and the platforms of those entities, either in the African nations, or the United States, or in the EU, are often mired in the 'spin' of the ruling class and the often unreliable and certainly tainted historic views of those who wield the power.

Thank God for Freedom of Speech and for the revolutionary ideals of Democracy and of those who believe in unalienable rights!

While revolution has often been dangerous and bloody, revolution must not be seen as a 'dirty' or 'dangerous' word... and it can indeed lead to fruitful, egalitarian, and positive change.

If modern revolution can be implemented without guns, germs, and steel, then the efforts of those like yourself and those 'genuine' who seek change and growth for developing nations, and to that end all nations, via peaceful means and economic development... then those efforts must be the actions of true heroes and heroines.

The freedom of thought and the power of information, and the sharing of information freely, (i.e. via the internet and other channels as resources) can hopefully help peaceful change take place throughout this new global community we all live in. Couple this with positive action and we are truly on our way to revolution.

No doubt, most of us in America are unaware of the true state of affairs of the African nations. But, even while we suffer under the problems of our own nation, we readily see today that we share the problems of the world together... all nations. As a global community we are therefore behooved to understand the issues of all nations and to champion positive and peaceful solutions to any nation's problems.

In Francis Fukuyama's 'The End of History and the Last Man', he asserts that the progression of human history as a struggle between ideologies should be at an end, and that the world should settle into global liberal democracy, and economic liberalism.

I hope that such a future, as predicted by Fukuyama, can indeed be achieved... and that it can be an egalitarian future...

I applaud the sentiments of President Faure Gnassingbe and wish to see such positive leadership continue... that this free, just, and economically liberal ideology can influence all African nations, all developing nations, and moreover the global community at large!

- Dan