Friday, October 17, 2008

Bye Bye Peace Corps

For those that don't already know, I am terminating my service with Peace Corps and staying in Togo. I am super happy and relieved about my decision -- it was a long time coming. I didn't want to quit, especially after I worked so hard to get here.
I love Togo and am going to continue to work here and live in the capitol -- Lome. I got a job at the American school. My issues with my site and with Peace Corps administration were preventing me from really working and life is hard enough without effective work to do. Now I feel like I can be free to work hard, volunteer (I am looking into volunteering for Terre des Hommes, an organization that works with traffiked children), and generally be happy without bureaucracy (besides the Africa naturally-occurring kind).
My phone number is the same and my mailing address is now:
Heather Yorkston
c/o Kevin Brown
Embassy of the United States, Togo
BP 852
Lome, Togo
Am running around like crazy right now to get bank accounts closed, paperwork completed, medical care, visas transferred, etc. etc.
Du courage to me!
I love Togo and never had any intention of abandoning the country I have come to love so much. The hard part will be leaving for good in August.
Much love to all,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

heidi vs. broc

in the intervening time between last post and internet difficulties (5 minutes at most), a giant nut fell from the tree above me and hit me on the head. that will leave a mark. only in togo.

as promised, heidi and broccoli wrestling:

pix from america

here are some belated pix from my last days in the land of the free:

Last view of the greatest city in America. Amtrak station

Lipika, Heidi (greatest sister and friend in the world), me, and Erica and the Indigo Girls concert

Broccoli and I bonding

Unfortunately, internet is crapping out now because I have some awesome pix of Heidi vs. Broccoli wrestling match


Quick censored update from Lome: I am OK, fou (crazy person) attacked me in Notse and I am no longer allowed back there. Oh yeah, and I have like bacterial dysentary. I think I am single-handedly keeping the people that make Cipro in business. At least I am shedding the weight I gained in America. Peace Corps Africa: the toughest diet you'll ever love.
In Lome for now while I figure out what happens next. Regardless, I am staying in Togo (and I am getting my coffin sent to Lome too -- yippee!). There's a lot of work to be done here!
I love and miss you all.